Pinwheel Set


Pinwheel Set This set contains a steel base and 4 attachable pieces: 1 single pinwheel, 1 x double pinwheel, 1 x triple pinwheel, and 1 x 5-headed pinwheel.

SKU: 44751986 Category:


Pinwheel Set

Are you a real pinwheel lover? Then this Pinwheel Set is an absolute must-have!
This set contains a steel base and 4 attachable pieces: 1 single pinwheel, 1 x double pinwheel, 1 x triple pinwheel, and 1 x 5-headed pinwheel.

The attachable pieces can be screwed on and off the steel base.
When blindfolded it feels like a scalpel going through your skin, without penetrating through the skin! The Pinwheel Set is made of stainless steel.

Made from high-quality stainless steel.

Additional information

Weight 0,313 kg
Dimensions 16 cm